I enjoy when writers do running diaries of games and add in their own opinion at certain intervals, so I decided to do one myself. Enjoy! Quarter One Kobe Bryant. That's all that needs to be said. 17 points and three assists, hitting shots from ... (Continue reading)
1. Goodbye, Mismatches. Dwight Howard vs. a Blue-and-Wine colored corpse. 6'10" Hedu Turkoglu vs. a 6'3" shooting guard. Rashard Lewis vs. The General Motors version of Dennis Rodman. These are called mismatches. The NBA is full of them. Most games hinge on these specific ... (Continue reading)
The reason Blake Griffin can't possibly be the best player in this draft is simply this: The Los Angeles Clippers are incapable of picking the best player. History has shown us this over and over again. Even if Blake Griffin is the ... (Continue reading)