"This is the big leagues. You can't give teams four or five outs." -- Josh Bard, who had an error and passed ball, July 24, 2009.THE RESULT: The Washington Nationals committed four errors and a passed ball, which led to ... (Continue reading)
Photos in story (c) D. Nichols and C. Nichols 2009. "I Only Have 211 More To Catch Cy Young." - Randy Johnson, June 4, 2009.THE RESULTS: Randy Johnson became the sixth left-hander and 24th overall pitcher to win 300 games in ... (Continue reading)
"The floodgates opened up, and we couldn't stop them." --Giants manager Bruce Bochy, June 2, 2009. THE RESULT: The Washington Nationals used a six-run explosion in the eighth inning to beat the San Francisco Giants, 10-6, snapping a six-game losing streak before ... (Continue reading)