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Author Archive

Blake Griffin: If Maya Angelou Poeticized His 47-Point Explosion on MLK Day

What would MLK Day be without a Maya Angelou poem? Can you imagine? Neither can we, so we tried finding her to see if she would set Blake Griffin's 47 points of Pacer punishment to poetry.  We couldn't locate her, so ... (Continue reading)

Silliman’s 10 Favorite Blake Griffin Highlight Mix Tapes

Here's a quick collection of Blake Griffin Highlight Mix tapes. Most are set to music, some are set to gushing announcer voices, but in any case they'll bring a smile to your face and help you forget your troubles.Since I've ... (Continue reading)

Blake Griffin’s Top 10 Dunks: What It Means for World Peace

SportsCenter thought enough of Blake Griffin's Godzilla dunks to run a medley of his top 10 dunks. Guess what—the season is only 25 percent complete. What are they going to do at season's end, run a special 30-for-30 with 30 ... (Continue reading)

Manny Ramirez: Real Reason For Using HCG?

Manuella Being Manuella     Manny Ramirez was suspended from baseball for using hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a women’s fertility drug which helps steroid users restart testosterone production when they come off a steroid cycle. Many suspect, because of the hCG, Manny was ... (Continue reading)