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Path to Redemption? Ron Artest Raffling Off Lakers Championship Ring

Ron Artest is actually going through with what many thought was an idle promise to raffle off his championship ring and donate the proceeds to charity.Artest is doing something that actually impresses me. To put that in context, let's get ... (Continue reading)

From the Forum to Staples: The Top 10 Lakers as Ranked by Your Enemy

What the heck do you mean " ranked by your enemy," isn't this going to be another "I Heart Kobe" article?No. I do not Heart Kobe. I can't stand Kobe, though I might have considered him the greatest player of ... (Continue reading)

All-Stars Everywhere: The Boston Celtics Top 10 First Round Draft Picks

Why the image of Arnold "Red" Auerbach on this title slide?Easy—Red was personally responsible for nine of the ten picks identified in this slideshow.Beyond the draft picks, Red engineered some of the most lopsided trades in history in building up ... (Continue reading)