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Oakland Raiders: Keep Moving On…A Change Is Gonna Come

Damali Binta Yael's Pep Talk

You can read what you want and say what you want, but I love the story of the little Hebrew boy who killed the giant, Goliath. All the Hebrew boy had was a smooth stone, and an unseen power.

Goliath is a "type" of hindrance, struggle, bad media, or opponent. David is the one who is not perceived to be strong enough, or smart enough to defeat the enemy. David, too, in this article, is a "type."

In the story in the Good Book, it is clear that the naked eye only saw a man with five smooth stones. Those with a deeper way of seeing things, saw a man assisted by an unseen power.

My favorite team is the Oakland Raiders because when I was younger, I saw that the team was great in more than just football, but in givin...

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