Sebastian Janikowski: When in Doubt, “Kick” Oakland Raiders to Success!
Let the record reflect that if the Oakland Raiders are having trouble getting touchdowns, they certainly have a heavy-duty kicker on the team. His name is Sebastian Janikowski, and he is 32 years old.
Is that getting too old for the NFL?
Be careful and don't forget about George Blanda and how he kicked the Oakland Raiders to victory so many times in the past.
It makes sense to compare what we already have with what we may select during the 75th NFL Draft.
On the roster at present, we have Sebastian Janikowski and S. Waters.
Janikowski is a bit heavy, and Waters is rather light, weighing 180 lbs. At 22-years-old, he would back up Janikowski in case of injuries, I assume.
Now this year the new talent is listed in the category "kicke...
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